Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Of Colds, Tim Burton, Sunshine and Summer

Wednesday - 14th April - 2.46 am

Scheduled to be up at 8am
No. of hours of sleep so far = 0

I'm currently sitting in bed, with a pounding headache, a sore throat and an unfinished essay staring straight at me from my glaring computer screen. Don't get me wrong, it's not a hard essay in fairness. I get to write about Tim Burton which I find extremely satisfying. It's just I cant seem to get motivated today, and true to form, it seems I have left everything till the last minute!

At least some of my deadlines were pushed back. That is always a good thing.

So this week has been glorious so far. Reaching 17/18 degrees over that past few days. It's not helping to motivate us animators into working! Especially when we can see the sea from the window of our studio, and we have a courtyard that catches the sun perfectly.
Also, I have a cold, which is typical and annoying. I seem to always get colds when its warm, I also get them when it's cold so the only time I dont get colds is when it just a bit luke warm. That seriously sucks!
Also...I have run out of neurofen cold and flu.


I'm more than half way through my film now and I'm really happy with it. My lecturer seems pretty happy with it to so it's full steam ahead from now on.
I think once Thursday is over I'll be a happy camper. They are the two deadlines I'm most worried about. So once this week is over I can just work on my film and hopefully get it all finished up.
I only have two weeks and a half left in college anyway. Then its summer. I dont have any plans as of yet, except for a few wall mural jobs I've been asked to do. Also I hope to go to Oxegen! Muse are gonna be there along with Paolo Nutini, Vampire Weekend and Mumford and Sons so that should be a good weekend!! Bring on the welly boots!!

I also hope to officially start up the webcomic I've been developing for the last few years. I'm finally happy with the way it looks and the way the cahracters look and all that jazz so, I can get to putting up a few pages now. Huzzah!

Anyway, I'm just sort of rambling now, the lack of sleep is slowing dissolving my brain. So I'm now gonna turn off the light and try my hardest to get some shut eye.
Goodnight to all in the land of the interwebz.
Sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite!

Listening to: Vampire Weekend, Miracle Bell, Tim Minchin, Ludo
Reading: True Blood
Eating: Nothing
Drinking: Nothing